πŸ‘ Watch how to remove a hidden Bitcoin mining virus from your computer. If you noticed that your computer – while you’re not using it – still behaves as if it works on a complicated task, or if it becomes very slow when dealing even with simple office routine, it could be a mining virus working inside your system.

Bitdefender Removed a File by Mistake – How to Recover It: https://hetmanrecovery.com/recovery_news/how-to-restore-the-desired-file-deleted-bitdefender.htm

0:00 – Intro
1:56 – The danger of a mining virus;
2:21 – How to detect a virus;
5:56 – How to remove the mining virus;
7:10 – Do it with AnVir Task Manager;

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P_WuEAg6iFU – How to Mine Bitcoin and Which Wallets to Use, or Bitcoin, Mining and Wallets;

https://www.virustotal.com/#/home/upload – VirusTotal;

https://www.aida64.com/downloads – AIDA;

https://www.anvir.com – AnVir Task Manager;

https://processhacker.sourceforge.io – Process hacker;

https://free.drweb.com/cureit?lng=en – Dr.Web Cureit;

That is all for now. Hit the Like button and subscribe to our channel. Leave comments to ask questions. Thank you for watching. Good luck.

Other videos: #Antivirus, #MinerVirus, #Windows10, #RemoveVirus.
